Functional Medicine Treatment In Delhi - Dr. Anoop Bhagat
Functional medicine is a biological approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the disease from its roots. Based on a personal, medical, social, and family history, health issues are identified and treated with the help of functional medicine. Dr. Anoop Bhagat specializes in treating patients with the help of functional medicines. Various factors are considered during the treatment like diet, hormones, prescriptions, and lifestyle of the patient. A specialized and trained doctors find the root cause of the disease and try to cure it using functional medicines. There could be multiple factors causing a disease so a deep knowledge is required to study the problem. Functional medicine doctors look into the root cause of illness and identify various perspectives related to the condition. Functional medicine doctors may ask their patients about sleep patterns, daily life activities, physical workouts, food habits, personal relationships, and emotional wellbeing. After evaluating al...